Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

TULISAN 3 - Quoted and Reported Speech

Quoted Speech and Reported Speech

Quoted Speech (Direct speech) is to repeat the words of someone with exactly the same and should use quotation marks ("...") and must be word for word.

Johan says : “I am a student”
Dono said, “I am very smart.”

Reported Speech (Indirect speech) is expressed by the words of someone who is not exactly the same expression and using the conjunction 'that'

Example :
Santi said that the Sun rises in the East. 

Studying this reported  speech, trying to follow the step below :

1. Change the subject first person into second person 

Many people

2. Change the tense

Direct                   indirect
Simple present          simple past
Present continous       past continous
Present perfect         past perfect
Present future          past future

3. Change the adverb

    Direct                          indirect
1. Next year                     The following year
2. The day before yesterday      Two days before
3. The day after tomorrow       In two days in time
4. Tonight                      That night

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